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Your Competition Has Set the Bar. . .

Fred Miller

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

Little Things

LOW! Very Low!

Amazing as it seems, it doesn’t take much to stand head and shoulders above your competition. This applies to most things in life.

It certainly rings true when it comes to Delivering a Great Presentation.

Little things can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE.

  1. Write your own Introduction.

    1. The Introduction is an integral part of a presentation.

    2. It is the speaker’s responsibility, not the emcee or meeting planner’s duty, to write it.

    3. It is not a bio. Most bios pulled from the internet have little to do with the upcoming presentation. No one cares how many children and what hobbies the speaker has.

    4. The Introduction should answer three questions:

    5. WHY this subject?

    6. WHY this speaker?

    7. WHY now?

  2. Take Personal Responsibility for as many aspects of the talk as possible.

    1. Arrive at the venue early, very early to check and test everything, and if necessary, get the items that aren’t correct –  fixed. Having “everything in place and working” can lessen the fear of public speaking.

  3. Computer.

    1. Bring your own and confirm there is a backup available.

    2. Have the slides, in several formats, on a flash drive.

  4. Projector.

    1. Don’t rely on connecting cables to be available or long enough. Bring several extras.

    2. If the bulb fails, there may not be another available.

    3. Be prepared to present “Naked.” (No slides!)

  5. Sound.

    1. The supplied audio cables may be broken and there can be other compatibility problems.The onboard teeny-weeny computer speakers are useless in a large room.

    2. One or more external speakers, blue tooth and cable connected, should be brought to the venue.

  6. Remote Control.

    1. The ability to make slides advance and go backward is the basic function most “house” remotes provide. Additional features help facilitate a better presentation.

    2. A remote that controls audio levels, has an infrared pointer, and possesses the ability to make the screen go dark should be a mandatory “tool of the presentation trade.”

  7. Meet and Greet the audience when they arrive!

    1. Many speakers prefer to come from “behind the curtains” when being introduced and taking the stage. – Wrong!

    2. Introducing yourself, shaking attendees hands, looking them in the eye and Thanking Them for attending goes a long way.

    3. It will cause them to pay attention from the moment you open the presentation.

    4. This activity connects the speaker with the audience from the get-go!

    5. It lessen’s anxiety for the presenter.

    6. It is amazing how easier it is to speak to people you’ve met, if only for a few moments.

  8. Stand to the left of the screen as the audience faces it.

    1. We read left-to-right unless you are in Israel or China!

  9. Deliver Content with Great Value.The audience is investing time, sometimes money, and opportunity cost (they could be doing something else).

    1. Make it worth their investment!

  10. If using Slides, follow the “Clean and Simple” Rule.

    1. Use little text and high quality, universally understood images.

  11. Practice! – Practice! – Practice!

    1. Even if you’ve delivered the talk many times, it will be the first time this audience will hear it and they deserve your best.

    2. Bands that have been together for over twenty-five years will rehearse before a concert.

  12. Write an After-Duction for the emcee to deliver.

    1. It’s far better for a third party, the host or emcee, to let the audience know you’ll stick around after the event to sign copies of your book and answer questions.

  13. Send a Hand Written Thank You Note to the Meeting/Event Planner or whoever was responsible for getting you the “Speaking Opportunity!”

    1. This holds true even if the event was a “fee waived” one. (Never do it for FREE, waive the fee!”)

    2. There may be several people involved in the decision, perhaps someone who referred you and one who “made it happen.”

    3. Send Thank You Notes to all of them.

Do the little things that make a HUGE DIFFERENCE and your next presentation will be – NO SWEAT!


Pausing is a key component of presenting.

About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an international coach, and the author of the books, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and “NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”

Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, andPresentation Skills.

They do this because they know:"Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities."

They also know:We perceive really great speakers to be Experts. We like to work with Experts.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver Fantastic Presentations! with – NO SWEAT!


  1. Keynote Speaker

  2. Workshop Facilitator

  3. Breakout Sessions

  4. Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching

  1. Lessening The Fear of Public Speaking with – NO SWEAT!

  2. Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!

  3. Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

  4. We are All Self-Employed!

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If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this post or other posts please contact me:

Thank  you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated!


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