• Keep Your Audience’s Attention.
• Make Them Receptive to Your Message.
Your audience has the attention span of a gnat!
Not only that, they are easily distracted by others in the audience, their phones, and a variety of things the speaker cannot control.
A Pattern Interrupt is: something not expected and out of the ordinary that abruptly grabs people’s attention.
Pattern interrupts allow you to engage more effectively and create meaningful interactions.
Let’s look at some of the components, parts, and elements of a presentation and how they can be used.
A short video clip about the speaker and topic can be viewed by the audience before the master of ceremonies introduces the speaker.
Music, sound effects, and lighting displays can be incorporated into the speaker’s Opening.
Sirens wailing, instruments playing, and thunder rolling are examples.
Of course they must be relevant to the topic.
Telling your audience, before the body of your talk: “My way is not the only way to do this. Others do it well, also. My suggestion is to absorb everything; squeeze out what you don’t need, and do it your own way.
This Pattern Interrupt is a huge way to build credibility.
Singing, dancing, doing magic tricks, juggling, and acrobatics are options.
So are wearing costumes and using a variety of props.
For example; I’m a father, a son, a speaker, etc.
For each of those roles I put on a different hat.
Use high quality, universally understood images, and very little text. (No one attends to read your presentation.)
Those slides can include animated GIFS, beautiful images, and short video clips.
Virtual Presentations.
Green screens and special software give many opportunities to change your background and appearance, along with a multitude of special effects.
Mastering these will grab people’s attention and make for your talk memorable.
“The last thing you say and do is the first thing the audience will remember.”
Use Patten Interrupts in your presentations and I guarantee they’ll be absolutely, positively – NO SWEAT!
About the Author
Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an international coach, and the author of the books, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and “NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”
Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, andPresentation Skills.
They do this because they know:"Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities."
They also know:We perceive really great speakers to be Experts. We like to work with Experts.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver Fantastic Presentations! with – NO SWEAT!
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Facilitator
Breakout Sessions
Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching
Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!
Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.
We are All Self-Employed!
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If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this post or other posts please contact me: Fred@NoSweatPublicSpeaking.com.
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