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Fred Miller

When was Your Presentation last updated?You

If it’s been awhile – Keep reading!

Doing a Presentation Makeover makes sense if: The Information You Want to Convey is Important. It should be Important!      Important to the audience and      Important to you! If it’s not important, Why are you doing it?

“The presentation you and/or your team deliver: directly reflects upon the presenters and those developing the presentation.”

You might need a Presentation Makeover if you. . .

  1. Use cheap clipart.

  2. Use lots of fancy fonts.

  3. Put your brand on all the slides.

  4. Use lots of text in your slideshow.

  5. Use fonts that are less than 32 pt.

  6. Don’t customize your presentation.

  7. Don’t Practice – Practice – Practice.

  8. Think your Introduction is your Bio.

  9. “Wing it” at any of your presentations.

  10. Have many bullet points on your slides.

  11. Read those bullet points to the audience.

  12. Take questions after closing the presentation.

  13. Deliver your presentation from behind a lectern.

  14. Don’t research information about your audience.

  15. Give all the attendees handouts before presenting.

  16. Don’t have a Strong Opening and a Strong Closing.

  17. Aren’t continually updating your knowledge of your subject.

  18. Leave it up to the Master of Ceremonies to write your Introduction.

  19. Use low-rez images in your slides and enlarge them to fill the screen.

  20. Don’t use the “B” Button (Blank Screen) when delivering presentations.

  21. Are using someone’s stories in your presentation that are not your own.

  22. Don’t continually research information on the subject you’re presenting.

  23. Take questions throughout your presentation and always run out of time.

  24. Use lots of different slide transitions with an equal amount of build-ins and build-outs.

  25. Dress inappropriately or wear flashy jewelry and accessories when presenting.

  26. Are delivering Nonverbal Communication that is not in sync with your Verbal Communication.

  27. Keep a prop in view of the audience after using it and moving on to another part of your presentation.

  28. Don’t have a few questions in your hip pocket to “prime the pump” during the Q & A.

  29. Are not using personal stories to reinforce the points you’re making in the body of your speech.

  30. Don’t scope out the venue you’ll be speaking in several days before your presentation.

  31. Don’t have a “Master Slide Deck” you can easily pick and choose slides from for specific audiences and events.

  32. “Grab” images off internet sites rather than purchase or use ones with Creative Commons license.

  33. Are not using the Presentation Mode that PowerPoint and Keynote Offer.

  34. Are not using a remote control device that controls the slide, sound, has a “B” Button, has a laser pointer and is long range RF (radio frequency, not being directional.)

Makeovers are done all the time!

  1. Kitchens

  2. Bathrooms

  3. Yards

  4. Entire homes

  5. People!

Perhaps your presentation needs an Extreme Presentation Makeover:

One that includes Conception to Completion and everything in between.

If so, I can help!  Contact me:


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About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality and we rather deal with Experts. They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. He shows them how to Develop, Practice and Deliver Knock Your Socks Off Presentations! with – No Sweat!

Fred E. Miller

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