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Your Master Slide Deck: “Know when to<br>Show Them and when to Fold Them!

Fred Miller

Every Audience Doesn’t Need to See All your Slides.  Master Deck Audiences have different wants and needs. Most presentations have time restraints.  Not recognizing either of these can result in a less than stellar performance. A properly customized presentation connects better with audiences than a one-size-fits-all one. Connecting with an audience increases the odds they’ll GET IT!

A large Master Deck of slides makes this customization easy.

All presentations don’t need PowerPoint or Keynote.  However, there are some benefits to using great slides.  The audience looks and listens to a presentation.  Utilizing slides with great visuals, combined with you providing the text, increases the understanding of your message.  (Presenting visual learning style + auditory learning style = Better Presenting!)

If you’re like me, you’re constantly adding to, and refining your Master Slide Deck. I’m regularly incorporating new slides with images, video clips and occasionally, text. (Text slides should be limited and used for very specific purposes.) I’m also repositioning some slides to better “tell the story” and eliminating ones that needed to be upgraded or refined.

My Master Deck has three “Modules”.

  1. The Components, Parts, and Elements of a Presentation.

  2. The Fear of Public Speaking and how to lessen it.

  3. Bonus Tips to Improve Presentations.

  1. Each module, and the accompanying slides, can stand on its own as a presentation.

  2. The slides within each module can be deleted or customized as needed.

This gives me lots of flexibility.  Repositioning and deleting slides is easy to do.  (Just be certain you’ve made a copy of the original deck before customizing!)

Additional Tips: Stuff Happens so be prepared! Once I presented to a company that wouldn’t let me use my mac.  I had to use their PC. While I had converted my Keynote presentation to PowerPoint, some of the “Action Moves” didn’t transfer.  I also found the two video clips I wanted to show didn’t work on their system.  It wasn’t that big of a deal because I had practiced and was ready for “anything and everything,” but I would have made minor adjustments sooner if I had known the incompatibilities.

Don’t forget correct utilization of the “B” button that blanks the screen. Remember, you are the presenter – not your deck!  Blanking the screen will take the attention of the audience’s eyes from the screen to you – where it should be!  (It’s the equivalent of removing a prop from view once it’s been used for its intended effect.  If left in view of the audience, it becomes a distraction.)

Continually work on that Master Deck!  Upgrade your graphics, add new slides as you expand your expertise on your subject, and delete those that no longer help “tell the story.”

Do the above, and your next presentation will be absolutely, positivelyNo Sweat!

This stuff works! Thanks for visiting my Post! For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you a FREE Gift. Go to: to receive it!

About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality and we rather deal with Experts. They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. He shows them how to Develop, Practice and Deliver Knock Your Socks Off Presentations! with – No Sweat!

Fred E. Miller

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