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Video: The ELEVATOR SPEECH – FREE Template!

Fred Miller

E Everyone Has Struggled with Their Elevator Speech!

I did for years! Mine was always a “work in progress.”

After a great amount of research, scripts, trial and error and tweaking, I developed an Elevator Speech Template that works great for me, and might for you!

Here’s my Elevator Speech.

If you like it, and want a copy of the Elevator Speech Template and Worksheet I used to develop it, Go HERE!

Here’s the transcript for my Elevator Speech. Welcome!

I’m Fred Miller, NO SWEAT Public Speaking!

Today’s video is about the Elevator Speech.

Everyone struggles with their Elevator Speech!

When I do my Elevator Speech Workshops, I always ask,

“Who, in the last year, has changed, tweaked, or trashed their Elevator Speech?

  1. In the last six months?

  2. In the last six weeks?

  3. As I’m speaking!?

I struggled with mine for years. It was always a, “work in progress.”

I teach and coach Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. Ultimately, I had to craft a really good Elevator Speech.

I did a lot of research; Wrote, and re-wrote lots scripts, and finally developed an Elevator Speech Template that works great for me.

I think it will work for you, too! If you like what you hear, I’ll give you the template!

Before I give my Elevator Speech, I want to make several points.

First of all, there are two distinct audiences for an Elevator Speech.

  1. The first one is – Groups.

    1. We’ve all been there. 

  2. We go to a Networking Event, Social Function, or Seminar.

  3. The leader gets our attention by saying, “Before we get started, let’s go around the room.

  4. Everyone stand up, tell us Who you are, What you do. Give us your Elevator Speech. Do it in less that a minute, please.”

With that audience, in that limited amount of time, we want everyone to have a very clear understanding of what we offer. Then, they can make an informed decision whether to followup with us, or not.

  1.  The second audience is the One-On-One situation. An example is an event where, before the program starts, thirty minutes is devoted to Networking.

  2. In this scenario, we want to quickly disqualify people who have no interest in what we do. I’ll have more on this in future videos.

I used two words as guides in developing my Elevator Speech Template.

  1. #1 Elevator

  2. Build the Elevator Speech one floor at a time.

  3. In the One-On-One situation, not everyone wants to go to the top floor with you.

  4. You don’t want to take everyone there!

  5. #2 Speech

  6. An Elevator Speech is a Mini Presentation.

  7. It should have all the components, parts, and elements of a Presentation delivered to a large audience. I’ll have more on this in future videos, also!

That’s some of the “back story” of how I crafted my Elevator Speech Template.

It’s time to deliver it. Since I’m talking to a large group, and I want everyone to know who I am and what I do, I’ll take you to the “Top Floor.”


My name is Fred Miller.

I’m a speaker, a coach, and an author.

The title of my first book is, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!”

Businesses and individuals hire me because they want to improve their public speaking and presentation skills.

They do that because we perceive really good speakers as experts!

Perception is reality, and we like to work with experts.

They also know: “Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

People who take and make those opportunities, grow their businesses, advance their careers, and increase their leadership roles.

I show them how to Develop, Practice, and Deliver a ‘Knock Your Socks Off!” presentation with – NO SWEAT!

That was less than 45 seconds.

Now you have enough information about me and what I do to answer this question: “Do I want to know more? Do I want more information for myself, or, for someone I know can benefit by improving their presentation skills.

Maybe your answer is, “No.” That’s fine. Public Speaking and delivering presentations isn’t for everyone.

If you do want more information and a FREE Template and Worksheet of the Elevator Speech I just delivered, Please email me: I’ll send it to you ASAP!

I’m looking forward to hearing your Elevator Speech, using my template, I know, it will be – NO SWEAT!

For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you Two FREE Gifts: An Elevator Speech Template and an Elevator Speech Worksheet.  (Who hasn’t struggled with their Elevator Speech!)

Go to: to receive it! (You may be asked to update your profile even if it hasn’t changed. Please do!)

About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality, and we rather deal with Experts.

They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!

Connect/Follow me: FaceBook LinkedIn Twitter


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