O LESSEN The Fear of Public Speaking!
Video Script: Fear of Public Speaking! Nuggets to Lessen It!
Fred Miller, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!”
The premise of all these videos, and my mantra, is: “Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!”
People who take and make Speaking Opportunities: Grow their Businesses, Advance their Careers, and Increase their Leadership Roles.
No one has ever challenged that! Why would they!
This is the fourth in a series of videos about the Fear of Public Speaking!
Two of the previous videos delivered a number of answers to the WHYS and WHAT IFS people have about the Fear of Public Speaking.
This video starts addressing Nuggets to Lessen that Fear.
The First Nugget is NEVER Tell the audience you have a Fear of Public Speaking.
I can’t tell you how many otherwise great presentations have had a damper put on them because the speaker said something like, “I hate Public Speaking – I’m no good at it – I didn’t prepare – I’m nervous.”
NEVER say that! It could become a self-fulling prophecy.
People may look at you to see if you told the truth. Their wondering eyes could make you nervous!
The Second Nugget, and this is one of the Best, is: Arrive early to Meet and Greet the audience as they arrive.
If possible, I am ALWAYS the first one to arrive at an event where I am speaking. I greet them with a handshake and thank them for coming to the event.
It is AMAZING how less stressful it is to present to an audience where you have met, and shaken their hands.
Hand-in-glove with Meet and Greet is for EVERYONE to wear Name Tags.
Few people remember names.
Name Tags allow you, the speaker, to talk directly to members of the audience.
Name Tags reach out, and pull people in. They close the gap between people, and make the Meet and Greet process much easier.
If they aren’t already wearing them, or the host hans’t provided any, I always have a supply of Name Tags, and a Sharpie Marker with me. People like wearing Name Tags!
The Next Nugget is: Write your own INTRODUCTION.
The Introduction is an integral part of a presentation.
It is the speaker’s responsibility to write and get it to the emcee before the event so they can review it.
The emcee should read it as if THEY wrote it.
The Introduction is NOT your bio.
Your hobbies, pets, and favorite foods are probably not relevant to the presentation you’re about to deliver.
DON’T use them in your Introduction.
The Introduction should answer three questions.
Why this subject?
Why this speaker?
Why now?
Don’t be modest here!
It is an opportunity to have SOMEONE ELSE, the emcee, blow YOUR horn!
Think of the Introduction as the king’s trumpeters announcing his royal highness is about to enter.
The audience, after hearing your Introduction, should be primed and eager to see and hear you!
A good, well delivered Introduction, should segue into your Opening.
The Opening of the presentation is where YOU start speaking.
There will be more on the Introduction and Opening in future videos.
The Fifth Nugget for Lessening the Fear of Public Speaking is: Know what you’re talking about, and know it very well.
There is a Confidence in Your Competence that will lower anxiety.
You can’t know everything about your topic, but know enough that you’re okay with what you DON’t Know!
Your audience will sense this by your by the way you deliver your presentation.
Always study your subject so you are up-to-date on it.
Another Nugget is to: Give your audience a Roadmap of your presentation in your Opening.
Before starting the trip, your presentation, the audience wants to know where you’re going.
Stating this in your Opening makes it easier for you to delver and them to follow your presentation.
Basically, Tell them what you’re going to be telling them.
Specifically, tell them when you’ll be taking QUESTIONS. Having people interrupt a talk can throw off the best presenters.
My suggestion is to tell them you’ll take them before your Closing. More on this in a future video, also.
That’s a start, a good start, on lessening that fear.
Next video – I’ll give more Nuggets to Lessen the Fear of Public Speaking.
Till then, make YOUR next presentation – NO SWEAT!
For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you Two FREE Gifts:
An Elevator Speech Template and an Elevator Speech Worksheet. (Who hasn’t struggled with their Elevator Speech!)
Go to: https://nosweatpublicspeaking.com/elevator-speech-template to receive it! (You may be asked to update your profile even if it hasn’t changed. Please do!)
About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality, and we rather deal with Experts.
They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!
Fred E. Miller Fred@NoSweatPublicSpeaking.com nosweatpublicspeaking.com 314-517-8772
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