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The 3Es of Presenting Help The Audience GET IT! #3 E – Explain

Fred Miller

Help The Audience GET IT Educate – EntertainExplain

The 3 Es of  Presenting will help ensure your audience understands your message; i.e. Gets It!

They may not agree with everything.  They may not agree with anything.

Unless they Get It!, there can’t be a meaningful discussion going forward.

Explain is the third E.

As the speaker, I want to Explain to the Audience with a simple, easy to understand, presentation.

I don’t want them to have to work hard to understand my message.  If it’s not easily understood, they will give up trying and not Get It!

My presentation should be Clean and Simple.

  1. Clean and Simple Language with easily understood words.

  2. Clean and Simple slides and props.

  3. These should have the same meaning to all who view them.

  4. If the message can be transmitted in fewer words – use fewer words.

Nothing should be ‘dumbed down.  They should ‘simple’ so that no one is saying, “Huh?” or “What does that mean?”

No one wants to feel stupid.  Presentations that are complicated and hard to understand don’t impress audiences.  They confuse them.  The attention all presenters want is quickly lost.

Have a Strong Opening that gets the attention of the audience.

Follow this by ‘Telling them what you’re going to tell them.’ i.e. Give a simple roadmap of  the steps of your presentation and what you will do in each step.

In the Body of your presentation, use the simple formula: ‘Make a Point – Tell a Story.’ Have three to five points that all support your main subject.  Those stories should support each point, and each point should support your main subject.  Remember, the best stories are your personal stories.

Conclude your talk by ‘Telling the audience what you told them.’ Then have a Strong Closing that is a ‘Call to Action!’.

Explain clearly and simply and they’ll Get IT!

Use the 3Es of Presenting! Do that, and my prediction is this. Your presentation will be: absolutely, positively – There’s no doubt in my mind – No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Your presentation will be – ‘No Sweat!’

About the Author: Fred E. Miller coaches, speaks and writes about Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. 314-517-8772

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