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The 3Es of Presenting Help The Audience GET IT! #1 E – Educate

Fred Miller

Help The Audience GET IT! Educate – Entertain – Explain

The 3 Es of  Presenting will help ensure your audience understands your message; i.e. Gets It!

They may not agree with everything.  They may not agree with anything.

Unless they Get It!, there can’t be a meaningful discussion going forward.

Education is the first E.  Future posts will discuss the other two Es.

As the presenter, I want the audience to leave my presentation with more knowledge of the subject than when they arrived.

It is my responsibility to make that information valuable.   The title and description of the presentation brought them in.  What I present should exceed their expectations. Put this into your own world of presenting.  Ask yourself some questions:

  1. What do they already know about the subject I’ll be discussing?

  2. How do you know what they already know?  Did you survey individuals or the meeting planner before your schedule time?

  3. Will all audience members have the same knowledge, or will there be a wide range of wisdom.

  4. If wide, how wide will their education be on this?

  5. What new information are they expecting; i.e. what are their expectations?

  6. Do all audience attendees have the same expectations?

  7. Is there anything specific you, or they, expect them to do with the new information they will learn from you?

  8. Is this the first of several presentations to the same audience, or a one time talk?

  9. If so, how close to this presentation?

  10. Do you have plans in place to survey the audience after your presentation?

People have different learning styles:

  1. Kinesthetic – learn by moving, touching and doing

  2. Auditory – learn by listening

  3. Visual – learn by seeing

Generally, people are dominant in one, but use a combination of these to learn.  This is why it is important to build the different styles into your presentation.

Learning by doing, the kinesthetic style, may not be possible when presenting.

It should be relatively easy to craft a presentation that talks to visual and auditory  learning styles.  Props, including PowerPoint, can be ‘seen’ while you speak.  Those two compliment each other and increase the chances of the audience Getting It!

Use the 3Es of Presenting!

Do that, and my prediction is this. Your presentation will be: absolutely, positively – There’s no doubt in my mind – No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Your presentation will be – ‘No Sweat!’

About the Author: Fred E. Miller coaches, speaks and writes about Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. 314-517-8772

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