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Speakers: Give your audience a FREE GIFT and. . .

Gift Grow Your Database!

Your Database is one the most important things your business owns!

It should contain the latest contact information on: clients, prospects, associates, suppliers, and “high influencers” in your field of expertise.  Building, and continually updating it, should be a top priority.

One good way to build this valuable asset is to offer your audience a FREE GIFT. In exchange for that FREE GIFT, they give you: their name, email address, and perhaps more information.

An easy way to “deliver” that gift is via email.  To do that, you’ll need the email address of the folks who opt  to receive it, correct?  All they have to do is give you their business card, or complete a form with that information and specify what, if there is a choice, gift to receive.  You will then have the opportunity to enter them into your Database for future marketing campaigns.

That gift should have value, and wide appeal, to the people you are speaking to. If not, they won’t take you up on it and you won’t get their precious contact information. If you speak on several subjects, and to different audiences, your gift should be tailored to each.

My expertise is Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. Here’s how I offer my FREE Gift:

Before my closing and a quick commercial for my book, I announce, “I have a FREE Gift for you, today.  In fact, if you wish, you can have two FREE Gifts!

The first one is a an Elevator Speech Template that can be used as a guide to build, floor-by-floor, the mini-Introduction many businesspeople are familiar with.

This subject really catches people’s attention.  If you regularly attend networking events, social functions, or seminars you can relate to this.  Invariably, the leader will announce to the attendees, “Before we get started, let’s go around the room.  Tell us, please: who you are and what you do.  Give us your Elevator Speech.”  For most, the reaction is – Yikes! 

When deciding on your FREE Gift, give careful consideration to what offer will grab your audience’s attention as well as this subject does.

“Who,” I ask while raising my hand high, “has Changed, Trashed, or Tweaked their Elevator Speech in the last year?  The last six months?  The last six weeks?  The last six – ?”  (That always gets a laugh.)

“I struggled with mine for years!  It was always a ‘work in progress’.”

“Last year, I had an Ah-Hah! Moment about Elevator Speeches.  I was sitting in my sales class when. . .  “

I then tell the story of how I made a conscious decision to get serious about my Elevator Speech and how it lead to the development of a Template that others will find useful in crafting theirs.  After-all, as I tell the audience, presentation skills are my specialty and an Elevator Speech is a mini-presentation.  I should be good at this!

The next step is to deliver my Elevator Speech to the audience.  If it WOWS them, they’ll be more inclined to want my Gift.

It usually does because I have worked very, very hard on this.

I then show a slide of the Elevator Speech Template and explain that giving me their business card (or completed form) and writing on the back of it – Elevator Speech Template – will get them the Gift via email in PDF format.

The Second Gift I offer is a Speaker’s Template, an graphic depiction of the structure of a presentation.  Here, also, if they enjoyed and benefitted from my presentation, they will want this.

I challenge YOU to do the same when delivering presentations.

  1. Offer a FREE GIFT.

  2. Gather their name, email address, and other information.

  3. Place it into your Database with pertinent notes.

  4. Where you spoke and what was the topic, etc.

  5. Develop a Drip Marketing campaign that gives information and offers specific to those individuals.

For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you a FREE Gift. Go to: to receive it! (You may be asked to update your profile even if it hasn’t changed.  Please do!)

About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality and we rather deal with Experts.

They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!

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