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Remember: NonVerbal Communication Trumps. . .

Fred Miller

Verb Verbal Communication

Have you ever watched a Professional Mime? They speak no words, but communicate very well, don’t they!

If they were to use their voice, their NonVerbal Communication: eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body movements, would outweigh their spoken words.

Our NonVerbal Communication carries more weight than the words we say and how we say them.

Example: The speaker on the podium says, “I’m very excited to be speaking to this group today.”  At the same time, he is yawning, not giving eye contact to anyone in the audience, and continually looking at his watch.  What’s the message he’s sending?

Everything in the Delivery of our presentation must be in sync, else the audience will believe what they “See.”

While we can consciously use our NonVerbal Communication Skills to emphasize parts of our presentation, it’s important to remember that we exhibit involuntary NonVerbal Communication, also.  (If you saw Simon Cowell’s eyebrows rise when Susan Boyle started singing her first song, “I Dreamed a Dream,” on Britain Has Talent, you know what I mean.  Here’s a Link.)

Facial expressions like: raised eyebrows, rolling eyes, smirks, yawns, snickers and other expressions are often exhibited before we are conscious of them happening.  Yet the audience sees them and immediately an impression is made.  If not in sync with the words they were hearing, and carries a different meaning, the audience will believe the involuntary NonVerbal Communication they see.

The same holds true of gestures and body language.  If we’re talking about something we are ‘passionate about’, but not ‘showing’ that emotion with gestures, posture and body language, the ‘disconnect’ tells our audience the ‘passion’ may not be as real as we’re telling them!

If using slides in a presentation, it is critical to either insert Blank Slides or use the “B” Blank Button at points in your presentation.  This will shift the audiences’ eyes to you, the presenter.  They will the see your important NonVerbal Communication.

Use NonVerbal Communication to reinforce the words you speak and enhance your Presentation:

  1. Make Eye Contact with individuals in the audience.

  2. It demonstrates honesty, self-confidence, and sincerity.

  3. Use Facial Expressions.

  4. Smile, when appropriate.

  5. A smile is universal.  I call it a non-physical hug because when you give one, you usually get one right back!

  6. Other Facial Expressions are also universal and ‘seen’ the same by people all over the globe.  They include expressions for:

  7. Fear, Anger, Surprise, Disgust, Happiness, and being Sad.

  8. Gesture to emphasize specific points of your presentation.

  9. Be certain they are in sync with your message.

  10. Make those gestures larger for larger audiences so all see them.

  11. Your Posture conveys self-confidence, honesty, and leadership.

  12. Don’t slouch, lean, or fidget when standing.

  13. Posture also applies when you are sitting, before and after you speak.

  14. Consider yourself always on stage.

  15. When you Move Your Body, walk deliberately.

  16. Pick several ‘anchor’ points to always return to.  (Kind of an X marks the spot!)

  17. One of those anchors can be ‘stage center,’ directly in front of the audience.

  18. If you’re using slides in your presentation, be sure you have BLANKED the screen with the ‘B’ Button on your computer or remote, or inserted a Blank Slide.  If you don’t do this, you are the screen!

In summary, if everything in a presentation is not in sync, NonVerbal Communication Rules!

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About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality and we rather deal with Experts.

They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities. He shows them how to Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – No Sweat!

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