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Part II: Be Seen as an EXPERT! Build a. . .

Fred Miller

0Three-Legged EXPERT Stool!

(This post is a continuation of the previous post. The Audio is the combination of both posts.)

Leg #2 – Writing

The perception of someone who writes articles and books is they are an EXPERT! Just as a good Speaker’s Talk must be Heard, and preferably seen, to be perceived as an EXPERT!, a Writer’s Words must be Read to be identified as an EXPERT! Writing can be done On and Off Line. Here is a look at each of those venues.

“Writing Opportunities” On Line

  1. Have a website and regularly, at least several times a month, publish blog posts on your area of expertise.

  2. These article should offer great information (content) and not be a sales pitch.

  3. Write Guest Posts on other people’s blogs and have links to your site.

  4. Commenting on the Posts of others will often bring people to your site.

“Writing Opportunities” Off Line

  1. Trade Journals, Newspaper, and Magazine articles.

  2. There are many publications that will publish your articles. You may not receive payment for them, but having your “Stuff” in well known media will give you credibility. They will usually print your contact information below your article and perhaps give your a free classified or display ad.

  3. Most likely, they have an On-Line edition that you can link to and promote thru your site and social media. My regular, “Talking Points” article is an example of how this works.

    1. Letters to the Editor and Commentary Articles are “Writing Opportunities,” also.

  4. Some are:

  5. Trade Magazines for your area of expertise.

  6. General interest magazines if your subject is a fit.

  7. National and local Newspapers.

  1. A Book or Workbook!

  2. It doesn’t have to be a great, big thick one, either.

  3. Traditional and/or Internet only.

  4. You’ll probably have to self-publish.

  5. That’s OK because it’s way easier than it used to be.

  6. This could be as simple as a PDF available on your website. Do it and you’ll be considered a “Published Author.”

  7. Once you’ve done this, when mentioning it, say, “My first book is. . .”

  8. Being an “Author” gives tremendous credibility.  (Perhaps too much in some cases.)

  9. Someone who has a published book will find more doors of opportunity open.  Plus they open quicker and easier.

Important for Writers

  1. Know your subject. Research it, and be certain what you’re communicating is up-to-date.

  2. Your writings should be good, very good!

  3. If you don’t have excellent writing skills, learn them.

Leg #3 – Promoting What You Do Through the Internet and Technology

Today the internet gives the “little guy” the same tools the “big boys” work with.

Your Internet Marketing Plan should include:

  1. A professional Website featuring your Blog

    1. Regularly post great content that readers can use and see you as an EXPERT! on your subject.

  2. Email Marketing

    1. Create regular drip campaigns that ‘sort and sift’ prospects from non-prospects and lead to sending the correct information to those who really show an interest in your content, products and services.

  3. The proper use of social media.

  4. These can be used to inform many about your new posts.

  5. Video!

  6. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

When you book a Speaking Opportunity:

  1. Be certain it is being promoted via the Internet:

  2. On Websites

  3. Your website.

  4. Mine has a calendar Tab, “Speaking Events” where the sponsor, venue, time, and topic are described.

  5. The sponsor’s website.

  6. The venue’s website.

  7. Your FaceBook Business Page.

  8. Your LinkedIn Page.

  9. Your LinkedIn Groups.

  10. If you have a book on use’s Author’s Central.

  11. This fabulous freebie is offered to all authors who have books on their site. It allows them to list Speaking Events on a personal Author’s Site. Here is mine:

  12. Additionally, authors can upload pictures, videos, and link to their blog and other sites. This is all FREE!

  13. Social Media

  14. Put all pertinent information on your LinkedIn and FaceBook Business Pages.

  15. Also use Twitter, Digg, Google+ Share, Delicious, Tumblr, and StumbleUpon.

  16. They are all FREE!

  17. Ask the venue and sponsor to do the same.

  18. Suggest they put links to your site on their promotional, on and off-line, material.

  19. Email Marketing

  20. Email information about the event to your targeted contact list and have links that will take them to your, the sponsor’s, and venue’s sites.

  21. YouTube

  22. Your YouTube Channel is an excellent place to promote your Speaking Opportunities.

  23. Links to that great video can be put on all the above mentioned sites and in your email promotional piece.

After Your Speaking Opportunities

  1. Again, report what happened in Social Media

  2. Talk about the great audience you had the privilege to speak to!

  3. Blog about it!

  4. Put links into your FaceBook Business Page and LinkedIn Page.

In Summary

Putting One Leg on your EXPERT Stool

          literally gives you a “leg up” on your peers.

Putting on a Second Leg

          takes your reputation of being an EXPERT one notch higher.

Put on that Third Leg

          and you can stand on the stool, head and shoulders above most people.

          In nearly all their eyes – YOU ARE AN EXPERT!

Continue to make those Three Legs stronger and taller.

This will grow your EXPERT status.

As it grows, you’ll grow your business, career and leadership opportunities!

Building Your EXPERT Stool is a Process – not an Event. Once it’s built, all the legs must be continually strengthened. That’s OK because, “The Learning is in the Doing!” and your subject knowledge and credibility as an EXPERT will grow exponentially, especially when you have enough “Stuff” so you can say, to the person who wants to know more – GOOGLE Me!


About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!”

Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, and Presentation Skills.

They do this because they know:

Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

They also know: We perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality, and we like to work with Experts.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!


  1. Keynote Speaker

  2. Workshop Facilitator

  3. Breakout Sessions

  4. Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching


  1. Lessening The Fear of Public Speaking with – NO SWEAT!

  2. Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!

  3. Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

  4. We are All Self-Employed!


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