Learn by Observing and Listening
A good speaker can become a better one by watching others speak. Follow these suggestions the next time you are in the audience.
Turn OFF your cell phone.
Practice active listening.
Give the speaker eye contact.
Lean forward in your seat.
Do not cross your arms.
Smile at the speaker.
Did the Introduction, delivered by the Emcee, answer these three questions?
Why this subject?
Why this speaker?
Why now?
Concentrate on the speaker’s message.
Listen to their Verbal Communication.
Pronunciation and Enunciation
Can you understand each word or do they mumble and/or mispronounce words?
Can you hear them clearly or do they have to shout to be heard?
Do they change their inflection or always talk in a monotone?
Does the speed of their delivery vary?
Does the speaker pause at appropriate times to let the audience absorb their message?
Observe their Nonverbal Communication.
Facial Expressions
Body Movement
What is the speaker’s appearance?
Is it in sync with the message they are delivering?
Is the speaker’s delivery in sync with their message?
Did they have a Strong Opening?
Did it ‘Grab your attention?’
Did they ‘Tell you what they’re going to tell you?’
In the Body of the Speech, did they use Personal Stories to support the points of their presentation?
In their Conclusion. . .
Did they ‘Tell the audience what they told them?’
Did they have a Strong Closing that was a ‘Call to action?’
If you attend a Speaking Event, always take time to shake the hands of the presenter and tell them you appreciate their efforts.
By placing yourself in the audience and observing the good and bad of fellow speakers, you can learn a lot!
About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an author and a coach. Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality. All things being equal, we rather deal with Experts. So, he shows them how to Develop, Practice and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off!’ Presentations with – No Sweat!
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