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<i>Guaranteed!</i><br>The Formula for Becoming a Great Speaker!

Fred Miller

1. Study

2. Practice – Practice – Practice 3. Deliver Presentation

Next: Repeat the above activitiesMP3

Sorry, but there is no easy way to become a great presenter.  It’s hard work, and it never ends.  However, there are benefits to those who seek this skill, follow this formula and ‘Get There!’

No one is born with this skill, nor all the other skills we use daily.  We learn by:

  1. Studying and following a ‘Template.’

  2. Trial and Error.

  3. A Combination of the above.

Becoming a good, competent public speaker is accomplished in the same manner.

A person can:

  1. Read books.

  2. Watch videos.

  3. Attend seminars.

  4. Listen to audio books.

  5. Observe other speakers.

  6. Practice in their ‘Mind’s Eye.’

  7. Practice – Practice – Practice.

The real learning is in the doing! Nothing beats the real thing.

Each and every time I speak I learn something.  I’ve found that:

  1. Each audience is different.

  2. Each location is different.

  3. I am probably a bit different each time I speak.

The Formula for Becoming a Great Speaker

1. Study

  1. Read books about Public Speaking and Presentations.

  2. Here’s a Great One!

  3. Attend presentations delivered by professional speakers.

  4. View videos.

  5. Devour information from the blog posts of presenters who have expertise on presentation skills.

  6. Alltop consolidates a number of great Speaking Blogs.

  7. Study your own audio and video recordings.

2. Practice – Practice – Practice

  1. Into a digital recorder.

  2. Listen to, and work on: inflection, pacing and pausing.

  3. In front of a mirror.

  4. Practice gestures, facial expressions and body language.

  5. With friends and family.

  6. Ask for “Three specific ways to improve my presentation.”

  7. In your ‘Mind’s Eye.’

  8. Picture yourself at ease, confident and the audience actively engaged!

  9. Out loud.

  10. It’s different then doing it in your mind.  Do it!

  11. Using a video camera.

  12. Review the results with a trusted coach, looking at the ‘Total Presentation’ and assuring everything is in sync.

  13. Practice the ‘Sticky Spots.’

  14. It’s easy to practice your Opening that rocks and the dynamite Call-To-Action Close that motivates the audience.

  15. It’s tougher, but more productive, to spend time on those phrases and sentences that don’t flow as well as the Opening and Closing.

3. Deliver Presentation

  1. The Learning is in the Doing – Do It!

  2. This is where the Practice – Practice – Practice pays off.

  3. But it’s different than practicing.  It’s the real thing and where the real learning takes place.

  4. Throughout the presentation, ‘take the temperature’ of the audience to be certain they are GETTING IT!

  5. Graciously accept the kudos, but more importantly, critique it yourself .

  6. What can you improve?

  7. Ask trusted friends and a coach to give you three specifics to improve the next time you deliver.

  8. Take those comments to heart, evaluate them, and move forward.

Repeat the Above Activities

  1. Take the information learned from the presentation, study it and make adjustments to the presentation, then Practice! – Practice! – Practice!

  2. Book another gig, and Speak! – Speak! – Speak!

Guaranteed: Each time you follow this Formula, the Fear of Public Speaking will lesson and your speaking and presentation skills will improve.

This stuff works! Thanks for visiting my Post! For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you a FREE Gift. Go to: to receive it!

About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality and we rather deal with Experts. They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. He shows them how to Develop, Practice and Deliver Knock Your Socks Off Presentations! with – No Sweat!

Fred E. Miller

Photo Credit: Sasshole

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