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Fear Public Speaking and Failing?

Fred Miller

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

Fear: Speaking and Failure

They Go Hand-In-Hand!

Both hold many back from reaching their goals.

Face those Fears of Failing!

Failing is a good, but often tough, way to learn. Many of us avoid activities where the odds of “failing” are better than those of succeeding. It’s a mistake to do that!

Think about this: “If you get it right the first time, you probably don’t give it a second thought.” That scenario is not necessarily productive.

When first attempting something new, and not successful, many won’t give up. – Good!

  1. We’ll access the situation and try to figure why the outcome was not the desired one.

  2. Use our analysis to try, again, in a new manner than the one that did not succeed.

  3. Repeat a number of times till we meet the intended goal.

  4. The result is we have learned something new!

Some Failing is Easy!

  1. When working alone on a software tutorial, no one but you, unless you tell others, knows how many hours it took to master the program.

  2. The same is true when working on a puzzle. Even if you decide not to complete it, only you know.

Other Failing can be Tough!

  1. Public Speaking is PUBLIC! Very PUBLIC!

  2. There is an audience watching and listening to you.

  3. They probably have a certain level of expectations and you want the exceed them.

  4. Fail at Public Speaking and Many know!

  5. That’s OK! Most admire you for merely taking the “Speaking Opportunity!” They are glad you are the presenter and not them. If you falter, they feel for you.

  6. (FREE Infograph: 11 Nuggets to Lessen the Fear of Public Speaking)

Face the Fear of Failing and Do It Anyway!

Trying something new often takes us out of our Comfort Zone. That’s why we feel UnComfortable!

The benefits of delivering presentations far outweigh watching others and avoiding the activity. It’s worth the effort because when we succeed, our Comfort Zone is Larger.

Get OUT of Your Comfort Zone. SPEAK and let the Learning Begin!

“I Guarantee The worst speech you’ll ever give will be far better than the one you never give!” Fred E. Miller


About the Author

Fred E. Miller is a speaker, an international coach, and the author of the books, “NO SWEAT Public Speaking!” and “NO SWEAT Elevator Speech!”

Businesses, Individuals, and Organizations hire him because they want to improve their Networking, Public Speaking, and Presentation Skills.

They do this because they know: Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

They also know: We perceive really great speakers to be Experts, and we like to work with Experts.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!


  1. Keynote Speaker

  2. Workshop Facilitator

  3. Breakout Sessions

  4. Personal and Group Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching


  1. Lessening The Fear of Public Speaking with – NO SWEAT!

  2. Crafting Your Elevator Speech, Floor by Floor with – NO SWEAT!

  3. Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities.

  4. We are All Self-Employed!


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