o More Personal Branding Components!
This series of posts is devoted to NO SWEAT Branding, focusing on the concept that EVERYONE is Self-Employed. We should promote ourselves through Personal Branding.
The previous articles addressed the first of these components and emphasized:
Branding Components include: All Promotional Material, on-line and off-line.
There should be Brand Consistency in everything you distribute.
Your Clothing can be part of your brand.
Think about these people and Clothing that’s part of their Brand.
Larry King (He must have hundreds of them!)
Black Turtleneck Sweater
Steve Jobs (Combine that sweater with jeans and white sneakers and you have Steve’s “uniform.)
White Suit (Without those suits, they wouldn’t be the same!)
Colonel Sanders, of KFC fame.
Tom Wolf, the famous author.
Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
All Black Clothes
Johnny Cash, the great Country Western star.
Minnie Pearl, from the old show Hee Haw!
Robin Hood
Sherlock Holmes, who wore a Deerstalker Hat.
Abraham Lincoln’s stovepipe hat.
Bella Abzug and her oversized, wild hats.
Michael Jackson
A Distinctive Facial Appearance can be part of your brand.
The following features, some of these celebrities were born with, and others they “customized,” are worth noting for their Brand Worthiness.
Nose (These stars would pass on plastic surgery because it would change their brand.)
Bob Hope
Jimmy Durante
Jay Leno
Beards and Mustaches (Without that facial hair, would they look the same!)
Abraham Lincoln
Harlan Sanders
Earnest Hemingway
Salvador Dali, whose famous thin mustache with narrow, long points curved crazily upward.
Groucho Marks (And his Eyebrows!)
Teddy Roosevelt
Fred Miller (Just want to see who’s reading this!)
Don King, who looked like his hair was “electrified!”
Elvis, with those famous sideburns.
Alfalfa from the old Our Gang, whose hair was parted in the middle and had a strand sicking straight up!
No Hair! (Can you picture them with hair?)
Yul Brynner
Michael Jordan
Bruce Willis
Telly Savalas
Glasses are an accessory that can be part of your brand.
Tom Cruise
Jack Nicholson
Steve Jobs
Ben Franklin
Sally Jessie Raphael
Name Tags come in many shapes and sizes.
They can be part of your Personal Branding.
The colors can be the same as use in Print Media and On-Line Promotional Material.
Important – Your name must be easily be read without someone being inches away from the Name Tag.
Note: Take them OFF when speaking to an audience. They are clutter and can be a distraction from your message.
Your YouTube Channel should continue Your Branding
The colors should continue the color scheme of your website, and all promotional material; on and off-line.
I make videos using an infinite white background, the same way I compose slides for presentations.
If you have a Tag Line related to your brand, use it in your videos.
Signature Phrases, Quotable Quotes, and Tag Lines should continue Your Branding How cool to have people quote you!
Steve Jobs, of Apple fame, was famous for saying:
“It just works!”
“And one more thing!”
NBC’s Meet the Press hosts have signed off for years with.
“If it’s Sunday, it’s Meet the Press.”
The great motivational speaker Zig Ziglar ended each presentation with his signature phrase,
“I will see you at the Top!”
Fred Miller (I hope people are quoting me on these!)
“Speaking Opportunities are Business, Career, and Leadership Opportunities!”
“The worst speech you’ll ever give, will be far better than the one you never give!”
PowerPoint/Keynote Presentations should continue your Brand
Those slides should have the same look and feel as your website, emails, and other promotional material.
Your Elevator Speech, that personal infomercial that quickly
tells people who you are and what you do, should use the Signature Phrases and Tag Line used in your speeches and printed material.
A great Elevator Speech is an important tool to have. When attending seminars, networking events, and workshops, you’ll probably be asked to, “Stand up, tell us who you are and what you do. Give us your Elevator Speech!“
Follow the Branding Ideas in this, and the two previous articles, and Your Personal Branding will be – NO SWEAT!
For reading, and/or listening, this far I’d like to give you Two FREE Gifts:
An Elevator Speech Template and an Elevator Speech Worksheet. (Who hasn’t struggled with their Elevator Speech!)
Go to: https://nosweatpublicspeaking.com/elevator-speech-template to receive it! (You may be asked to update your profile even if it hasn’t changed. Please do!)
About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality, and we rather deal with Experts.
They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities.
He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!
Fred E. Miller Fred@NoSweatPublicSpeaking.com nosweatpublicspeaking.com 314-517-8772
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