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Are You a Good Speaker? Well, Good isn’t Good Enough!

Fred Miller

A Good Speaker! You want to be a Great Speaker!

Who wants Good? I don’t!

Do you want: Good coffee, a Good meal, or a Good spouse? NO!

You want: Great cup of coffee, a Fabulous meal, and an Incredible spouse – Correct!

Let’s Look at Speakers:

  1. Many are Not Very Good.

  2. Who wants to waste time watching and listening to them?

  3. A lesser number of speakers are Good.

  4. Again, do you want Good Coffee?

  5. Few speakers are Very Good!

  6. These are the speakers who are perceived as Experts.

  7. Perception is reality, and we like to work with Experts.

  8. These people grow their businesses, advance their careers, and increase their leadership roles.

What kind of Speaker do You want to be?

Don’t be content with being a Good Speaker! Be an Outstanding Speaker!

Good NewsYou can be!

Many people who make presentations wing it. They don’t prepare as a professional does and haven’t a clue what the structure of a presentation should be. Just like all the skills you now possess, this can be learned.

There are specific components, with very specific parts, that must be developed in a specific manner to result in a presentation that leads to an audience GETTING the message the speaker wants them receiving. GETTING IT! is the goal of all communication; verbal, written, and visual.

  1. Professional Presentations have a specific structure.

  2. The Title should

draw people in to see and hear you.

  1. Think of it as the:

  2. Headline of a newspaper article.

  3. Subject Line of an email.

  4. Spine of a book.

  5. If the above don’t grab attention and interest, people won’t want to know more.

  6. Write your own Introduction.

  7. It is not your biography.

  8. It should answer the questions:

  9. Why this subject?

  10. Why this speaker?

  11. Why now?

  12. Think of the Introduction as the King’s Trumpeters announcing his arrival!  It should build the audience’s anticipation for you, the speaker!

  13. The Opening has two parts,

  14. Grab the Attention of the people you’re speaking to.

  15. Next, Tell them What you’ll be Telling Them, and how you’ll be handling questions.

  16. The formula for the Body of the presentation is:

  17. Make a Point – Tell a Story to support that point.

  18. Three to five points per presentation.

  19. Personal stories are best!

  20. The Conclusion has two parts.

    1. Tell the audience what you told them.

    2. Have a Strong Closing.

    3. The last thing the audience sees and hears will be the first thing they will remember.

  21. Delivering Your Presentation is More Important than the Content: This does not mean you shouldn’t have outstanding information to deliver.

  22. Verbal Delivery

  23. Clear Enunciation and Pronunciation of all the words you speak.

  24. Projection

  25. Speak to the back of the room.  If necessary, use an amplification system.

  26. Inflection

  27. Where you place the emphasis in a sentence can completely change the meaning.

  28. Cadence

  29. Vary the speed of your delivery.

  30. Pause

  31. Give the audience an opportunity to enjoy your humor or absorb information you just presented.

  32. NonVerbal Delivery

  33. Eye Contact

  34. “The eyes are the gateway to the soul.”

  35. They project, or not, honesty and integrity.

  36. Facial Expressions

  37. The most important one is a Smile!

  38. I call a smile a non-physical hug because when you give one, you get one right back!

  39. They’re contagious.

  40. Gestures

  41. They should be natural and add to the delivery of your message.

  42. Be aware: All gestures are not universal.

  43. Posture

  44. Straight, with shoulders back shows “confidence in your competence.”

  45. Starts when you are seated!

  46. Body Language

  47. Have one or two “anchor spots” on the stage that you return to if moving about the speaking area.

BONUS Tips for a Great Presentation

  1. If you’re going to have a Q&A Session, do it before your Conclusion.

  2. The last thing the audience sees and hears will be the first thing they will recall.  That’s why the Closing should always be powerful!

  3. Practice – Practice – Practice!

  4. A good rule of thumb is one hour of practice for each minute of presentation.  (I’ve proofed the last sentence. It is correct!)

  5. If slides will be used in your presentation:

  6. Don’t use Bullet Points and lots of Text.

  7. Bullet Point Confuse, Compete and Conflict with the message the presenter is delivering.

  8. Use high quality, universally understood Images.

Follow this advice for Developing and Delivering your presentations. You will become a Great Speaker and your next presentation will be  – NO SWEAT!

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About the Author Fred E. Miller is a speaker, a coach, and the author of the book, “No Sweat Public Speaking!” Businesses and individuals hire him because they want to improve their Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. They do this because we perceive really great speakers to be Experts. Perception is reality, and we rather deal with Experts.

They also know: Speaking Opportunities are Business Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Career Opportunities. Speaking Opportunities are Leadership Opportunities.

He shows them how to: Develop, Practice, and Deliver ‘Knock Your Socks Off Presentations!’ with – NO SWEAT!

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