Fred E. Miller
Speaker - International Coach - Author
Teleprompter or Not?
Watching the Olympic Trials, I Noticed. . .
WHY Speak? Because:
Why YOU? The Audience Wants. . .
Speakers: You Want your Audiences. . .
Speakers: Bring the “Right Stuff” to. . .
Here’s a FREE EXPRESS Elevator Speech. . .
Speakers: You Only Have One Chance. . .
Speakers: Authenticity Connects. . .
The EXPRESS Elevator Speech Can. . .
“So”. . . THIS Word and Others. . .
These Elevator Speeches Start with. . .
Elevator Speeches Can DIS-Qualify. . .
Gems for Your Slide Presentation
The One-on-One Elevator Speech. . .
Happy New Year! If You’re Like a Lot of People. . .
Speakers, My 2016 New Year’s Resolutions are. . .
Business Innovators Interviews Fred Miller!
Seven Reasons WHY People Have a Fear of Public Speaking
The Debates: It’s Not Just What They Say. . .